

Welcome on my website.

being interested in a variety of subjects is my thing. a major field that jumps out is the subject of computers.

Here i keep a record on usefull information and links. In the navigational links at the top bar you can select the desired page depending on what you are looking for. There is a page designed for the NAS. only usefull if you have an account for it. its well secure by several layers of technique.

there is also the page where I talk more about services I can provide if we see eye to eye regarding the asked subject.

have fun browsing and who knows.


Computer Queries

I got my degree in computer science and will be happy to help out with any query you got.


– Reinstallation

– Software issues


-virus removal and restoration (if possible)

Website building

sometimes i love to put my nose into websites. just like this site is a private project, I still see it as an achhievement for innovation.

done several websites for clients. it can range from simple workfromhome till a medical supply website

Computer advice

are you doubting on what to do or which type to buy?
do you seek advice in the evergoing tech sector?
dont seek any longer and I might be able to lend you some advice.

Home/MKB network design

do you have trouble getting a stable network at home?
do you rely on a stable connection but it fails on you everytime again?

perhaps I can be of service to help you find the cause.
or I might even be able to design a whole new network for you.

convinced that you need a service?

heb je een vraag en zoek je contact? klik dan op de knop om naar het contact formulier te gaan

what happens now, after filling in the contact form?

I will review the form within reasonable terms. see more at the services page.

when I have a question about your query I will try to contact you over the mail if possible for further communication

when the assignement is clear and we both know what to expect?
we come to a first start date and fill in the plan as needed